Working Naked

Hi i am looking for work at the moment and wondered if anyone else was or if anyone new of any work going, possibley naked too. Any idears lets chat. Have a good one Mike

I have the joy of working from home when I'm not traveling so I'm home 2 or 3 days a week. I only get dressed if a delivery or friend is stopping. I can usually step out on the back deck and take care of the dog but some of the neighbors can see into the yard so I have to be careful.

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RE: Work from home

I am retiring from my full time job 12/20/2017. I will be working from home scoring standardized tests for college entrance exams beginning in January. I will be working naked of course. I cannot wait to get out of the office environment and get naked!

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RE: Work from home


When I was Working full-time as a Software Engineer, or at various odd job between Software Engineering jobs, I was required to be Clothed. When Internet and Networking / Security technologies made it possible to work from Home, such as on Snow Days, or when I was alloweds to work from Home one day a week, then I worked Naked. ;-)

But now that I am Retired from that rat race, and working on my 2nd "retirement career", as a Genealogist (part-time) I work from Home Naked all the time! Even in the dead of Winter. I have a small place, so can afford to heat it to 82 - 85 F degrees in the Winter, so @ Home, I'm Naked 24/7! I love it! My nudist friends who come visit, love it too, as some of them can't afford to heat their homes to 80+ degrees. :-)

Bare hugs,
Grant the New Hampshire Gay & Naked (& lovin' it) Genealogist :-)

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