Working Naked
Hi i am looking for work at the moment and wondered if anyone else was or if anyone new of any work going, possibley naked too. Any idears lets chat. Have a good one Mike
Looks like one office found a way to make it work.
I am wondering if there have been any recent successes of naturist employment that anyone can share? I have over 25+ years as an accomplished and competent project specialist with domestic and international experience in various roles requiring...
When all but the caretaker of the house left.
it would be most relaxing to work in the nude...i wish i could find a work opportunity like that even for a short time..working at home, alone, does it count?
Hey everyone, I have my own business that I run from home and I love it. I'm a nudist so it makes sense for me to work naked. I make signs for store windows, banners, magnetic signs and what not. Easy to do from home. Once they are ready to ship...
I had a job once where due to the weather i was allowed to work naked, it wasn't planned or anything it just happened by accident if you like. I was working at a farm in one of the old farm buildings for a man who imported cheap seaside...
soo hard to go back into the office with clothes on! just want to close my office door and strip down. I am home 3 days a week.. its the best!
I give naked massages most day of my life from my my home, Its the best job I have ever had, my laundry is minimal , I meet some great guys too!
Does it limit your business , Does it limit your staff , & ultimately your potential ?
been out of work for several years, would like to work even part time and under the table.