World Naked Bike Ride

For everyone who's taken part, or would like to take part in the fantastic World Naked Bike Rides, which are growing all the time - 1,000 plus in London every June, and many more around the world.

Feedback - World Naked Bike Ride

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Several cities have completed their annual World Naked Bike Ride event.
For those who participated, what was your experience?
The questions below are merely guides. Feel free to share your experience in your own words.
1. Which city did you participate? Was this your first time, third, seventh, etc?
2. What were the highlights of your ride? What parts of the event were memorable to you?

3. Did you get to meet new people, make new friends, or meet some old ones from previous rides?
4. Specifically yours, what was your World Naked Bike Ride message?

6. What preparation or advice would you recommend to those planning to join their very first World Naked Bike Ride?
7. Were there any issues/problems on the day of the event?
8. Will you participate again next year?
9. What message, if any, do you have for the organizers and volunteers who worked hard to make this possible?

Most of all, did you have fun?

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  • 9 years ago
RE: Feedback - World Naked Bike Ride

I didn't participate , but would love to some day. Both Tampa and St. Petersburg are more liberal than they been in the past, maybe there is hope that either city would have a WNBR in the future. Looking forward to info that participates can share about their experiences.

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  • 9 years ago
RE: Feedback - World Naked Bike Ride

Which city did you participate? Was this your first time, third,
seventh, etc?

Los Angeles and this was my seventh consecutive
What were the highlights of your ride? What parts
of the event were memorable to you?

This is a hard one as the whole ride is an
awesome experience.
The part of the ride that
goes through China Town is always great. There are large crowds
along the sidewalk and the cheers and
laughter make you feel welcome.

Did you get to
meet new people, make new friends, or meet some old ones from
previous rides?

Being a rather shy
individual, I have trouble striking up conversations so do not make
friends easily.
I did see many people from
previous rides and exchanged greetings with many of them.

Specifically yours, what was your World Naked Bike Ride

I strongly believe in all the
messages of the WNBR.
We are destroying our
environment by the continuing use of fossil fuels.

There were 40 bicyclists killed in the first 5
months of this year here in Southern California, almost double the
number for the same period last year.
By being
seen nude in public and having the public overwhelmingly support us
with their cheers and laughter demonstrates just how idiotic the
laws are against public nudity. It is behavior, not the simple lack
of clothing that need to be the focus of our laws. In
addition we are showing that even though we are all unique
individuals, we are also all human beings and deserve to be treated

What preparation or advice would you recommend to those planning
to join their very first World Naked Bike Ride?

Get your bike and yourself ready to ride. Many
of the participants only ride occasionally and are a little unsure
of themselves, especially riding in a large group.

That said, do not worry about keeping up. Here in Los Angeles the
organizers do a great job of making sure that anyone who has a
problem is taken care of.
Were there any issues/problems
on the day of the event?

Not at all. The
only thing was the weather. The temps were in the low to mid
60s with a light drizzle. Not the most
comfortable weather for a nude bike ride. The following Saturday it
was sunny and 100 degrees.
Even though I like the hot weather, I
guess if I have to choose between being cool or suffering from heat
stroke I will take the cool day.
Will you participate
again next year?

There is no way you could
keep me away.

What message, if any, do you have for the organizers and
volunteers who worked hard to make this possible?

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for all the hard work you do
to put on this ride.
I would also like to thank the food truck and
ice cream truck that came for the mid day break.
have been many times when people who see us ask what the ride is
about, but we do not have time to really explain why we are riding.
This year I made up my own card to hand out to anyone who wants to
know what is going on. I have been in touch with the organizers and
will work with them to have cards available for riders to hand out
next year.

Most of all, did you have fun?
Yes!!! The only down side is we can
only do this once a year. I find it hard to go back to riding my
bike with

anything on.

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  • 9 years ago
RE: Feedback - World Naked Bike Ride

I rode for the second time in consecutive years in New Orleans, hope to be riding every year from now on, seen some of the same people from last year and some new ones, the crowd along the route were cheering us on the whole way, I had the message "can you see my ass now" on the back , and "free your body" on the front

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  • 8 years ago
RE:Feedback - World Naked Bike Ride

Don't be shy. We'd like to know how your bike ride went.

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  • 7 years ago
RE:Feedback - World Naked Bike Ride

Rode for the 3rd straight year , this year I went all natural, like I mean nothing from head to toe on, lol

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  • 7 years ago
RE:Feedback - World Naked Bike Ride

You seem to be getting more and more confident each year. Good for you.
From what I heard, this year's crowd is bigger than last year.
I hope everything went well with the new route and no one got into trouble.

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  • 7 years ago
RE:Feedback - World Naked Bike Ride

1) New Orleans, June 2019 my first ever naked bike ride. Enjoyed it so much I did Montreal and Philadelphia later that summer

2) Being photographed nude by thousands of people. I was apprehensive at first, then got comfortable with it and got to the point that I love it!
In New Orleans we were waiting for a train and a woman asked if she could take a few pics of me. I said yes and she took about 20 pics of me including some close ups. I was getting a bit aroused when the train finished going by and we started riding again

3) I have met several nice people on the rides and hope to see them again on future rides

4 In New Orleans it was "Can you see me now?" In Philly it was "Burn fat not gas"

6) For New Orleans have extra padding on the bike seat. The roads are awfully rough

7 ) Montreal was cold, windy and rainy the day of the ride. Kind of rough on a wimpy Florida guy like me

8) ABSOLUTELY!!!! I am looking for the dates and want to do 2 or more of them this summer.

9) New Orleans- i wish there was a better way to reach them since I flat out refuse to join Facebook and the yahoo group is not very active and may soon disappear Montreal- Great job! Hope for better weather next year. Philly- Real impressive the organization with such a large turnout

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  • 5 years ago
RE:Feedback - World Naked Bike Ride

9) New Orleans- i wish there was a better way to reach them since I flat out refuse to join Facebook and the yahoo group is not very active and may soon disappear...

You may want to befriend or send a message to those who attended WNBR NOLA and ask them for updates regarding upcoming rides .

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  • 5 years ago
RE:Feedback - World Naked Bike Ride

After riding twice in Chicago, I tried Madison, Wisconsin. Here are the differences.

The Chicago ride has thousands of participants. Madison has 150, although I think some people jumped into the part where we go around the Capitol Building.
Chicago starts at 8 at night and goes 12-14 miles. Madison starts at 11 in the morning and goes 12-14 miles.
Chicago ride lasts 4 hours. Madison lasts around 2. The difference is Chicago has many stops and a few rest breaks. Madison rarely stops.

As has been previously mentioned, wear shoes and a helmet. You don't want to put your feet in broken glass or sharp rocks. Your head is just as vulnerable whether or not you're naked.

We had a couple of glitches where streets were under construction. They plan to bike, or at least drive, the route a couple of days before to make sure that doesn't happen again. One street was torn up for a block and we had to ride the sidewalk in a residential neighborhood. Glad there were no kids playing out there.

Preparations: sunscreen if riding at noon. A triangle bag works great for your clothes. A wrist wallet is good for a car key, cash, credit card, and ID. Prepare to have fun, too.

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  • 4 years ago
RE: Feedback - World Naked Bike Ride

and be able to stay nude and wander the streets, and even walk nude into a couple of clubs. Makes it seem so natural to be nude in a public setting.That part sounds especially amazing. I would really like that.

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  • 4 years ago