World Naked Bike Ride

For everyone who's taken part, or would like to take part in the fantastic World Naked Bike Rides, which are growing all the time - 1,000 plus in London every June, and many more around the world.

Chicago 2010

Great ride on June 12 2010. Chceck out the photos at

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San Francisco

I've done the WNBR in San Francisco for the past 3 years and loved it! :)

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WNBR in Wisconsin

Madison, Wisconsin is scheduled to hold it's first WNBR on 6/19/10. Potential participants are asked to sign up on the Yahoo! group:

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WNBR 2010, London - organising collective;...

We are holding the 1st 2010 organising collective meeting for the London ride next Thursday, 25th February. If there is anything you feel strongly about that has come out of previous rides and would like to be discussed by the collective, please...

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