World Naked Bike Ride
For everyone who's taken part, or would like to take part in the fantastic World Naked Bike Rides, which are growing all the time - 1,000 plus in London every June, and many more around the world.
Boston's version of the World Naked Bike Ride happens this year on July 20. Really nice, fun ride through Boston and some of Cambridge, too. Smaller ride compared to huge rides in Philadelphia and elsewhere, with more chances to get to know the...
Howdy from Texas. I'll be arriving at Portland next Friday (June 28) If anyone wants to meet up, I'm thinking about 6:00 PM at Ecliptic Brewing. Lemme know
When is WNBR in Los Angeles or San Francisco or other cities in California? How can you volunteer to help, to join, etc? Does anybody bike naked around here?
I'm looking to rent a 3 wheel bike for the June 2019 ride in New Orleans, if you have one or know of someone willing to rent one, please contact me ..thanks
Hey guys! Don't forget: the WNBR Melbourne is this weekend - Saturday March 16th at 12pm. Hope to see some of you there! Tony
Is anyone willing to provide some guidance on how to put together a ride? I am in eastern Virginia and I think we will have enough interest here to have a fun event.
How Can I Help In This Year's World Naked Bike Ride? 1. Donate money 2. Volunteer at a World Naked Bike Ride event 3. Fund raising 4. Fixing/assembling bikes 5. Sending e-vites 6. Body paint 7. Supplies/materials acquisitions 8. Posting events... It was a great success, because I was there for the first time. lol
Does anyone know if there is a ride in the DFW area? Or anywhere in Texas for 2018 or even 2019?
. To promote cycling, demonstrate vulnerability of cyclist, riding in celebration, jubilation to deliver a vision of a cleaner, safer, body-positive world to the masses. (