Wreck Beach Lovers

His is a place where people can meet and plan trips to wreck beach

Wreck Beach from Seattle

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Myself and a number of my nudie friends make it up to the beach several times each summer. If you time the border crossing right, the trip takes about 3hrs door-to-door. You hop in the car with nothing but shorts and a passport in your pocket at 7am, get to the beach at 10am, hang out for the day, leave by 8pm and be home by 11pm. It's a lot of driving, but the beach is totally worth it.
My favorite part is the beach "library" where folks borrow and leave books to read from a hollowed out, washed up tree trunk. Cool place, cool people, lots of fun things to do while you're letting it all hang out.

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RE: Wreck Beach from Seattle

My first trip to Wreck Beach was in 1974 and was the first time I was nude in public. It has changed quite a lot since then but it still has a pretty good vibe. My favourite of all theclothing optional beaches I have visited. I love the natural beauty of it and the fact that it is in the city. When the tide is out, you can walk out far enough that you can see the city skyline and you realize you are in the city and naked. Great to read such a nice comment froma Seattle neighbour. Keep coming.

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