Xanthochroid Nudists

A group devoted to light-haired, fair-shinned nudists. (I admit that I could not resist adding a group for the last un-used letter of the alphabet!)This group is for all of us brave souls who are outdoor nudists despite the fact we quickly look like boiled lobsters if we do not slather down with gallons of sun block!

Summer Lobster Fest!

I went to a clothing ptional resort Memorial Day weekend. The first day was overcast, so I stayed under a table umbrella by the pool and neglected to slather on the sun block - guess what happened? OH NO!!!!

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It isn't easy being pale!

Due to a solid month of rain and no sun, remaining pale is not hard in Ohio!

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Summer's Coming!

Summer's coming to the frozen tundra of the Midwest-time to buy fresh gallons of Sun Block!

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I'm glad someone reads this!

Come on, all you polar bares! I know your'e out there! Join the pack!

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