YMCA Nudist
Member of your local YMCA
Wouldn't it be super if the YMCA would set asideONE EVENING A MONTHfor nude swimming? Whether it was just males, just females, or co-ed......any old way would be great ! Yeah....I know.....doubtful !
I have seen posts elsewhere that up to the 1970s, some YMCAs were clothing optional in for many athletic activities, not just swimming. Did anyone here experience this?
are the steam rooms and saunas back in operation in these locations anyone know? Anyone want to meet and work out together some time
So what do you say to the "Trolls" at the Y who are obviously cruising in the wet area? You know the ones....closeted gays, mostly married, out of shape and never step into the weight room on on a tred mill.
As a kid I was very shy about being nude in front of others. I would not go to the washroom at school and save it for home. I think just being nude I would get a boner. When I first started sleeping in the nude. Well being at the Y I got to the...
Should Adult Locker Room(Health Club section)allow members use Sauna and Whirlpool Nude?? I remember when i first start join men are comfortable walk around nude or doing other things nude like shaving or talking to each other. I believe men would...
Yep... looks stupid,,, but there are guys that wear their undies in the shower..In an attempt to be modest.. They just look stupid..
When I was at the Y I did not get to swim in the nude or see anyone playing in the locker room. So when I was at the Y I just got to work out. Well I did get to be nude and feel better about my body and being seen by others. What was your fun at the...
For many of our younger readers, it is hard to believe that there was once a time when many junior highs, high schools, colleges, universities and YMCAs featured swim class wherein all male students were required to swim nude. The practice was that...