Yorkshire Naturist Ramblers

This is a group for those wanting to undertake naturist walking in Yorkshire (primarily) - to be able to seek others for group walks or to inform where suitable locations might be found. It sits alongside the similarly named Facebook Group and hopefully serves as a point of information for those not on Facebook.

5th October 2023

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Aiming for a walk from The Crooked Billet in Saxton on Thursday starting at 10.30. Message me for more info. Never seem to attract (m)any from TN so not going overboard on detail!

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  • a year ago
RE:5th October 2023

I think I'd like to join you Peter. Previously I have ignored some geocaches around this route (apart from the famous tree climb that is), but if others don't mind I would like to find at least one that is right by the route on a footbridge over the appropriately named brook, it sounds like a fun find that might amuse everyone much as the tree climb did (apparently!) It's only 50m off our route as is the next, a quarter of a mile further on. There is then a cache 400m off our route in the woods which we could go for only if all are keen. Finally there is a fourth cache by the church/chapel by Hazlewood Castle, 130m off our usual route and looks to be an interesting ancient chapel (c1283-5) that some might like to explore, but it would be clothed, of course. The cache page does have a potted history of the chapel if anyone is really interested, although I'd be surprised if there aren't information boards there anyway.

Can I join you?

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  • a year ago