Yorkshire Naturist Ramblers
This is a group for those wanting to undertake naturist walking in Yorkshire (primarily) - to be able to seek others for group walks or to inform where suitable locations might be found. It sits alongside the similarly named Facebook Group and hopefully serves as a point of information for those not on Facebook.
18th August
Return to DiscussionsIm pencilling in this date for a walk. Location not yet decided. Contact me if you want to influence!
- 3 years ago
Hi Peter, I'm interested! (As ever)
I'm sorry I've missed your most recent walks and it's about time I joined you for another one. I really don't mind where, but in this heat anywhere that includes a skinny-dip would be good :-)
I haven't solved the mystery of the bonus cache on Rishworth moor yet, but I have realised we were missing a crucial bit of information which I have been trying to track down, so far without success. It is something I should have realised before we went to find the caches - that will teach me to read the bonus cache page more carefully in future!
Please post details for the 18th (or email, of course) when you have them; thanks.
- 3 years ago