Young British Nudists
YOUNG BRITISH NATURISM has new leadership. Daryl Jones is leading a hands-on redirection (might I say; revolution) designed to make nudism more attractive to younger uk people. Nudism has always tipped 2wards the older generations. Clubs R facilitated 4everything from petanque (!) 2 falling comatose in2 a beer glass, but little beyond that. Anything active is 4bidden as it disturbs the retirement...
Is YBN worth it?
Return to DiscussionsHi there, I am based in London and I have been thinking of paying for a YBN membership in the hopes of meeting people on there and maybe finding out about some events round London, developing friendships especially outside of this 'gay scene' type nudism, friendships with women and straight guys as well, just for regular nonsexual social nudism, parties, swims, whatever.
Are any of you members of YBN and can tell me whether it's worth joining the forums if this is what I'm looking for? Does there seem to be decent activity levels on YBN for real life meetups or is everything kinda dead after covid?
- 2 years ago
I think its worth it for some of the events like nkd and Alton towers but manage your expectations!
- 2 years ago
Yeah its definitly worth it they have many online and offline activities.
They also go to the Netherlands for a weekend trip, hope to see you there.
I was there before Corona and everyone was really lovely
- 2 years ago
Yep, I'd agree with the others. A BN membership gets you access to, and discounts for many awesome events, and makes it easier to meet new people.
- 2 years ago