Young Sydney Male Nudists

This is is for Aussie guys (particularily from Sydney) between the age of 18 and 35 who want are into nudism but don't know anyone to get nude with! No creepy old dudes please, this is for young guys only!

Pre Australia Day

Hey,I'm just an American guy traveling around. I'll be heading to Sydney but already have plans for Australia Day but of course I would like to get some beach or other nude time before that. Probably be around for the two weeks prior.Just...

Latest Post
Trip away

Hey everyoneI was thinking that us young sydneysiders should arrange a trip away to the River Island Nature Retreat.Can I suggest 17 and 18December?If anyone is interested, please reply to this post.It would be good to meet some other young sydney...

is this group active?

hi - is this group active? i posted something 2 weeks ago. No reply. If there are any sydney based guys interested in non sexual social nudity, please let me know - beach, dinners etc. cheers

get together

hey guys i'm looking to organise a completely non sexual gathering of young gay sydney nudists. who is keen? elton

HI All!

Hi all the young Sydney nudists out there! My names MArk, Im 30 years old, from South Africa :) Im coming to live in Sydney for about 3 months, and Im really excited about the whole thing! Keep me in the loop if any guys or gals are doing any nudist...