My Story
- behappyjose became friends with Hugo_Leonel
- behappyjose became friends with naturist_zy9804
- behappyjose became friends with daniellopez631
- behappyjose became friends with Darkmaverick
- behappyjose became friends with FreeSpirit1980
- behappyjose became friends with nudeyrudy_zs3019
- behappyjose became friends with naturist_ar7876 and 2 more
- behappyjose became friends with nudeyrudy_ed6728
- behappyjose became friends with nudeyrudy_ou3629
- behappyjose became friends with Jibifly and 2 more
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About behappyjose
----- (First in Spanish, below in English) -----
Joven andaluz afincado en Madrid desde hace 15 aos, chico alegre, conversador, friki , sano y deportista (soy corredor ), nudista (me gustan las personas "openmind" sin prejuicios ni complejos y libre! porque todo el mundo desnudo SOMOS IGUALES, y eso no te va a diferenciar aqu ni debera hacerlo en ninguna parte), siempre optimista y con ganas de conocer personas para aprender y enriquecernos mutuamente, porque todo el mundo tiene algo que lo hace especial y diferente, y ah est la belleza de todo esto.
La idea de Couchsurfing para aprender es fantstica, si se pueden hacer unas amistades duraderas es realmente una suerte, tengo muchos AMIGOS / FAMILIA (estas palabras siempre se deben de escribir en maysculas) gracias a esta aplicacin, y tengo una visin muy particular sobre Couchsurfing, creo que es una Comunidad donde todos nos tenemos que ayudar, respetar, ser solidarios los unos con los otros y la bella palabra COMPARTIR, por eso lo normal es que si pasas por mi casa, coincidirs con mis surfers y conocers a nuestra comunidad de Madrid que es realmente grandiosa para hacer nuevos amigos. Para seguir creciendo, tenemos que dar siempre ms de lo que recibimos, y as conseguiremos un movimiento de armona y solidaridad completamente imparable
Me gustan las personas que leen mi perfil y mandan un mensaje personalizado (no copia y pega por favor) buscando una experiencia y no alojamiento gratuito, lo siento pero este lugar es muy especial y tiene que ser para personas especiales, y por ello tengo un 100% de respuesta a los mensajes , porque respondo a todo el mundo que necesite ayuda, eso lo tendrs siempre, es el motivo por el que me gusta que aprecien mi tiempo como yo aprecio el de los dems, y por ello dedcame un tiempo de confianza que me importar siempre ms que tu edad, raza, fsico, religin, nacionalidad, sexualidad o cualquier etiqueta social que sirva para separar y no para unirnos ms en un bello mundo multicultural y por suerte muy enriquecedor, porque repito: de todas las personas, siempre se aprende algo muy interesante
Puedes encontrarme en Redes Sociales y ver como mis surfers son parte de mi familia:
- Facebook:
- Instagram:
(lo siento... pero este emoticono tena que ponerlo en algn momento )
Tengo el orgullo de ser Embajador CS de Madrid, por lo que necesites de informacin o cualquier aspecto sobre la aplicacin, de la ciudad, actividades o Couchsurfing, solo tienes que escribirme y te atender con mucho gusto.
Qu puedo prometerte? Sentirse como en casa, tu hogar, aprender de nuestra cultura, de nosotros mismos, pero sobre todo que se os quede una experiencia de Madrid como inolvidable...
Si vens con tiempo suelo organizar diferentes TOURS por la ciudad gratis para conocer Madrid y su cultura (ya lo han disfrutado 1.567 surfers de 108 nacionalidades! 298 han repetido tour), aqu os pongo una muestra de uno que hicimos en exclusiva para MADRID CRASH 2019:
Hemos organizado ms de 1.700 eventos en Couchsurfing con una asistencia de ms de 19.900 surfers y no sabemos cul ha sido el ms divertido! (tenemos cine, tours, ftbol, ayuda a los usuarios de Couchsurfing, encuentros semanales, comidas internacionales...) y en diferentes ciudades nos encanta la comunidad Cs! estuvimos haciendo las INVASIONES COUCHSURFING de Valencia 2021, San Sebastin 2022, Crdoba 2022, Mlaga 2022, Murcia 2022, Cartagena 2022, Sevilla 2023, Marsella (Francia) 2023 y Mnaco 2023, adems de BarnaCrash 2022 (Crash de Barcelona 2022) y Valencia Crash 2022
Fue muy bello participar en el Ambassador Crash de Tesalnica (Grecia) de 2022
Si quieres saber ms sobre lo que hacemos con esta bella Comunidad en Madrid puedes ver una entrevista que me hicieron en el Blog de Couchsurfing en Diciembre 2022 es un orgullo rodearse de esta gran familia!
(1.000 personas hospedadas son parte de mi familia en el mundo)
Young Andalusian guy whos been settled in Madrid for 15 years. Im a happy, talkative, healthy and athletic boy (Im a runner). And also a nudist (I like people "openminded", without prejudice or complex, and free! because when naked all of the people ARE THE SAME and that is not going to differentiate you here nor should it be anywhere), a freak , always optimistic and eager to meet people to learn and enrich each other, because everyone has something that makes them special and different, and therein lies the beauty of all this.
The idea of Couchsurfing to learn is fantastic, if you can make lasting friendships it's really lucky, I have many FRIENDS / FAMILY (these words must always be written in capital letters) thanks to this app, and I have a very particular vision about Couchsurfing, I think it's a Community where we all have to help, respect, be supportive of each other and the beautiful word SHARE, so it's normal that if you pass by my house, you will meet more surfers and you will meet our community from Madrid which is really great for making new friends. To continue growing, we always have to give more than we receive, and thus we will achieve a completely unstoppable movement of harmony and solidarity
I like people who read my profile and send a personalized message (no copy and paste please) looking for an experience and not free accommodation, I'm sorry but this place is very special and has to be for special people, and that's why I have a 100% response to messages , because I respond to everyone who needs help, you will always have that, it is the reason why I like that they appreciate my time as I appreciate that of others, and therefore dedicate me a time of trust that will always matter more to me than your age, race, physique, religion, nationality, sexuality or any social label that serves to separate and not to unite us more in a beautiful multicultural world and luckily very enriching, because I repeat: from everyone, you always learn something very interesting
You can find me on Social Media and see how my surfers are a part of my family:
- Facebook:
- Instagram:
(sorry... but I had to put this emoticon at some point )
I am proud to be a CS Ambassador of Madrid, so if you need information on any aspect of the city, activities or Couchsurfing, you just have to write to me and I will attend you with pleasure.
What can I promise you? Feeling at home, your home, learning about our culture, about ourselves, but above all that you have an unforgettable Madrid experience...
If you arrive with free time, I usually organise a variation of free city tours to get to know Madrid and its culture (my tours have a lot of fame and have been enjoyed by 1.567 surfers from 108 nationalities (298 people have repeated my tour), Here is a sample of one that we did exclusively for the MADRID CRASH 2019:
We have organised more than 1.700 events on Couchsurfing with an attendance of more than 19.900 surfers, and we don't know which one has been the most fun! (We have cinema, tours, football matches, as well as, weekly meetings to help our Couchsurfing users, international lunches...) and in different cities we love the Cs community! we were doing the COUCHSURFING INVASIONS of Valencia 2021, San Sebastin 2022, Crdoba 2022, Malaga 2022, Murcia 2022, Cartagena 2022, Seville 2023, Marseille (France) 2023 and Monaco 2023, in addition to BarnaCrash 2022 (Crash de Barcelona 2022) and Valencia Crash 2022
It was very beautiful to participate in the Ambassador Crash of Thessaloniki (Greece) in 2022
If you want to know more about what we do with this beautiful Community in Madrid, you can see an interview they did to me on the Couchsurfing Blog in December 2022. It's a pride to surround yourself with this great family!
(1.000 people staying at my home are part of my family around the world)
Por qu estoy en Couchsurfing
Soy muy viajero y s que es sentirse en casa agusto y relajado, con muchas ganas de aprender siempre de otras personas, me gusta guiar por la ciudad en la que vivo y conozco perfectamente (porque me encanta la historia y nuestras tradiciones) pero tambin que los surfers aprendan de la cultura y nuestra forma de vida y de sociabilizarnos.
A la pregunta tpica de POR QU TODA ESTA LOCURA... la respuesta es la de siempre: Y POR QU NO? cuando crees en algo, es suficiente razn para tener una motivacin que mueva montaas, que se haga lo imposible y que consigamos poner un granito de ALGO positivo en este pequeo gran mundo porque estoy seguro de que estamos cultivando y haciendo ALGO en l
Han pasado por mi casa ms de 1.000 couchsurfers de 105 nacionalidades y ha sido una experiencia increble!
Para m es un orgullo que hasta 121 couchsurfers hayan repetido su estancia en distintas fechas conmigo y con la suerte de que varios de ellos han venido varias veces! 28 de ellos 3 veces y hasta dos en 8 ocasiones
Pases que han estado con nosotros en casa:
Albania - Alemania - Arabia Saud - Argelia - Argentina - Armenia - Aruba - Australia - Austria - Azerbaiyn - Blgica - Bielorrusia - Bolivia - Bosnia - Brasil - Bulgaria - Canad - Chile - China - Colombia - Corea del Sur - Costa Rica - Croacia - Cuba - Dinamarca - Ecuador - Egipto - El Salvador - Eritrea - Escocia - Eslovaquia - Eslovenia - Espaa - Estados Unidos - Estonia - Etiopa - Francia - Georgia - Ghana - Gibraltar - Grecia - Guatemala - Hait - Holanda - Honduras - Hungra - India - Indonesia - Inglaterra - Irak - Irn - Irlanda - Irlanda del Norte - Islas Filipinas - Israel - Italia - Japn - Jordania - Kazajistn - Kenia - Kurdistn - Laos - Letonia - Lbano - Lituania - Macedonia - Malasia - Malta - Marruecos - Mxico - Mongolia - Namibia - Nicaragua - Nigeria - Noruega - Nueva Zelanda - Omn - Pakistn - Panam - Paraguay - Per - Polonia - Portugal - Repblica Checa - Repblica Dominicana - Rumana - Rusia - Serbia - Sierra Leona - Singapur - Siria - Sudfrica - Sudn - Suecia - Suiza - Taiwn - Tayikistn - Trinidad y Tobago - Tnez - Turqua - Ucrania - Uruguay - Venezuela - Vietnam - Yemen
Im a traveler and I like to feel comfortable and relaxed when at home and Im eager to always learn from other people, I like to guide people around the city where I live and know it perfectly (because I love Spanish history and our traditions) but also would like that Surfers can learn from our culture, way of life and from socialising.
To the typical question of WHY ALL THIS MADNESS... the answer is always: AND WHY NOT? when you believe in something, it's enough reason to have a motivation that moves mountains, to do the impossible and that we manage to put a grain of SOMETHING positive in this great little world because I'm sure that we are cultivating and doing SOMETHING in it
I have hosted more than 1.000 couchsurfers from 105 nationalities in my house and it has been an incredible and unforgettable experience!
I am prideful that 121 couchsurfers have repeated their stay on different dates with me, some have even come several times (28 of them have stayed 3 times and two couchsurfer on 8 occasions)
Countries that have been with us at home:
Albania - Algeria - Argentina - Armenia - Aruba - Australia - Austria - Azerbaijan - Belarus - Belgium - Bolivia - Bosnia - Brazil - Bulgaria - Canada - Chile - China - Colombia - Costa Rica - Croatia - Cuba - Czech Republic - Denmark - Dominican Republic - Ecuador - Egypt - El Salvador - England - Eritrea - Ethiopia - France - Georgia - Germany - Ghana - Gibraltar - Greece - Guatemala - Haiti - Honduras - Hungary - India - Indonesia - Irak - Iran - Ireland - Israel - Italy - Japan - Jordan - Kazakhstan - Kenia - Kurdistan - Laos - Latvia - Lebanon - Lithuania - Macedonia - Malaysia - Malta - Mexico - Mongolia - Morocco - Namibia - Netherlands - New Zeland - Nicaragua - Nigeria - North Ireland - Norway - Oman - Pakistan - Panama - Paraguay - Peru - Philippine Islands - Poland - Portugal - Rumania - Russia - Saudi Arabia - Scotland - Serbia - Sierra Leone - Singapore - Siria - Slovakia - Slovenia - South Africa - South Korea - Spain - Stonia - Sudan - Sweeden - Switzerland - Taiwan - Tajikistan - Trinidad and Tobago - Tunisia - Turkey - Ukraine - United States - Uruguay - Venezuela - Vietnam - Yemen
Jose - 41
- Gender
- Man
- Orientation
- Bisexual
- Height
- 6' 1"
- Weight
- 165
- Hometown
- Education
- High School Diploma
- Religion
- Agnostic
- Income Level
- None of your Business
- Occupation
- Admistrative
- Kids
- Don't have, Don't want
- Smokes
- Drinks
- Gender
- Orientation
- Height
- Weight
- Hometown
- Education
- Religion
- Income Level
- Occupation
- Kids
- Smokes
- Drinks
Here for
- Dating
- Relationship
- Platonic Friends
- Networking
- Casual Acquaintances
Who I'd like to meet
All people are welcome ^_^
My Interests
A lot...
The Beatles, Los Juanes
My Heroes
My father ^_^
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