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A group for discussing communal/open showers at gyms, sports centres & swimming pools in the UK. A great place for observing social nudity. Share...
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About friendlyGuy2019
Friendly early 40s guy, new to the area. looking for other nudists around my age or older to chat to or to hang out with.
Friendly - 47
- Gender
- Man
- Orientation
- Height
- 5' 9"
- Weight
- 205
- Hometown
- Evans
- Education
- Religion
- Income Level
- Occupation
- Kids
- None yet
- Smokes
- Drinks
- Gender
- Orientation
- Height
- Weight
- Hometown
- Education
- Religion
- Income Level
- Occupation
- Kids
- Smokes
- Drinks
Here for
- Dating
- Relationship
- Platonic Friends
- Networking
- Casual Acquaintances
Who I'd like to meet
older guys, bears, married guys, str8 guys, anyone friendly and decent.
My Interests
My Heroes
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