Irish Naturist Association
2. Free Swim, Coral Leisure Centre Station Road Wicklow Town, Sunday 2nd July 6.15-7.30pm, Booking required and can be done here: 3. Swim, Kilcoran...
3. Swim, Ballyfermot, June 4th, Booking essential and can be done here: Contact Leticia through the INA Facebook page for further details 4. Swim,...
2. Ballyfermot Leisure Centre, Blackditch Road Cherry Orchard Dublin 10, Sunday 14th May 2017 4 p.m.-6 p.m., INA members only possibility to join on the day, Booking required and can be done here:...
2. Naturist Swim, Saturday 15th April, 7:30-9pm, Kilcoran Lodge Cahir Co. Tipperary, 10 euro INA members 15 euro non-members 15 euro INA couples 25 euro non-INA couples, Booking required and can be done here:...
1. Beach Clean up, Sallymount Beach, Co. Wicklow. 1/3/2017, 11 a.m. 3. Naturist Jaunt, Ballyteige Burrow, Monday 13/3/17. Please contact Leticia through the INA facebook page for further information. 4. Naturist Spree, Achill Island, 15/3/17 1p.m....
2. Swim, Kilcoran Lodge Cahir Co. Tipperary, Saturday February 18th, 7:30-9 p.m. No Booking required 3. Meetup, Curracloe Beach Co. Wexford, Tuesday 28th February, Noon. Contact Letitia through the INA Facebook page for further information
Membership 2017: New Members: 55 euro, 40 euro for 65+, 20 euro for 18-25yo, for 18-65yo Current Members 50 euro for 18-65yo, members who joined between June and October for a 50% reduction for 2017 2. Nude Hike, Friday 13th January 11 a.m.,...
1. INA membership for 2017, 55 euro 18-65y (50 euro if current members, members who joined between June and October 2016 entitled to a 50% discount), 40 euro if over 65y and 20 euro if under 25y, December 2016 included in 2017 membership. Join here:...
2. Naturist Hike Gleanealy Co. Wicklow, Wednesday 9th November, Noon, Contact Leticia through the INA Facebook page for further details 3. Swim Kilcoran Lodge Cahir Co. Tipperary, Saturday 19th November, 7:30-9pm 4. Day Trip Dilbeek Naturist Thermen...
2. The Great Irish Skinny Dip, September 4th, Noon, Sallymount Beach Co. Wicklow 3. Swim, September 17th, 7.30-9pm, Kilcoran Lodge Hotel Cahir Co. Tipperary (10 euro INA members, 15 euro non members, 15 euro INA couples) 4. Naturist Meetup,...