post your email and exchange some pics of yourself
Hi Looking to swap images of myself, and looking to chat and swap pics with nudists of all ages and genders... Feel free to send me anything...
good evening from Australia my wife and I enjoy being naked around the home, and a little erotic. we are both fair skinned and both have had skin cancers cut out or burnt off and as you can appreciate, we are very reluctant to go in the open when...
my email is anyone is welcome to contact me and get the ball rolling with pic swaps or just general chat about nudism and nudity gender, age, body type and sexuality not an issue we like to make new friends to share pics with!
I like to exchange naked pictures!! Feel free to send me yours at !!
Dont be shy. =]
Would like to swap pics with ladies or couples Only. NO MEN. Catch me on Tia Sam