Frequently Asked Questions
The most popular questions will reside in here
Hi, I began to set up the webcam that was pre-installed on my laptop, but have come up against a problem. The instructions tell me to link up with Windows Messenger; and in their contract it mentions that the messenger sholid not be used to transmit...
There really are a lot of people saying that this is by far the best site that they have found. Why do think that is. Obviously it's free and we are blessed with a good crowd. I don't understand what makes a good page, but I find the...
Why does it tell me that I have messages and friend requests, but won't let me see them?
I've posted pictures in messages to groups I belong to, and those messages did "take" when I posted them; I know that because I got comments. But I've been looking, and it seems they're all gone. Where the picture was in the...
Hi all, I must create Internet sites registered with foreign IP, with server that physically are outside europe (United states, Brazil, Russia, Japan ecc) and, before searching every nations, I would like to know if someone knows a provider that...
How do I cancel it so it stops rebilling me each month? I never got an email from Alertpay like Truenudists said I should have and I've sent three messages using the contact form with no reply? Would an admin please help?
(((((( LAST PAGE )))))) Did U Know Index. Click on a title to go to the correct page, then scroll down to find the comment number. EDIT: Due to a few profiles being deleted, the comment numbers are no longer accurate, because their comments go with...
I seem to be having some problems being "heard" in the chatroom. For some reason not everybody can see what I'm typing. lol..At first I thought I was being ignored, until someone who I was talking to asked why I was so quiet. I've...
Surely ONE of you can figure out this guy's problem! Look upon it as a challenge.
Posting photos to the gallery.