Frequently Asked Questions

The most popular questions will reside in here

Leaving a Group

I was reviewing my groups to see if there were any that I should leave due to a change in interest or lack of activity. I found two inactive groups that say my memberhip is pending. Does anyone know how to withdraw a pending request to join a group?

Friends request

How do I make a friend request? I have reviewed all the settings and can't find a way. Please help me!

When a person is harassing you

What to do when a person is going to put your pictures all over the web

Has anyone used a home permanent hair remover

I would love to permanently remove some of my hair. Amazon has some laser units for home use. Does it really work?

DOES ANYONE KNOW? Considering deleting my...

If I delete my account will tn still have access to photos and videos on my page?

Beach security

As someone who enjoys long nude walks along the beach, I was wondering how other nudists kept their possesions safe when away from their beach towels. I tend not to use a car so can't leave items in there and although nudist beaches are...


I will soon have my first colonoscopy since becoming a full time freeballer. I have some concern about leakage after the procedure. Has anyone here had the same concern? If so, how did you deal with it?


Do you wear a watch when you are nude? I rarely did in the past, but now that I have a Fitbit, I usually wear it.

Burning Clothes

A few people on this board and elsewhere have mentioned burning unwanted clothing a a way of achieving the ultimate freedom and finality. Who else has tried it? I have not but frequently tear them to shreds before putting them in the trash.

A naive question about chat

All I know about chat is what I read in the forums, which of course is pretty dire. But the other day I noticed a TN friend was online and in chat, so I logged in and - sitting at my desk visible from the chest up - turned on my camera. I bumbled...