Frequently Asked Questions

The most popular questions will reside in here

How to get cam to stay up in the chat room.

I am having trouble getting my cam to stay on in chatroom, any suggestions on how I can acomplish this.

Deleted users?

If they (True Nudists) want to clean up this website why do they hang on to so many images of users with deleted accounts? I was just poking around in the gallery and was floored by the disproportionate amount of images of people whom have their...

Feeling Comfortable

I searched the past topics hoping to find I was not the only one who is dealing with this but alas I am the only one. Ever since the first time I was nude I have noticed that it is more comfortable for me to be nude around people I have never met...

How to change your profile photo?

This may not be the right area but can someone point out the way to change my profile photo. I am a certified member but see no clear direction to edit or replace my current photo. Thanks

Video Conference Wardrobe

What do you wear for a video conference? Top: nothing, t shirt, collared polo, dress shirt. Bottom: nothing, shorts slacks. I wear t shirt or collared polo depending on the nature of the meeting and shorts. Doesn't feel right to me to wear...

Clothed Profile Pics??

I don't get these clothed profile pics. No member here should even be seen with clothing., You get enough of that with the normal world.

Trying to Message but cant see the captcha...

Hey Fellow Nudists, This might be just a me thing, but I'm hoping someone else has had this problem and found a solution. After I message back in forth with a friend, if I want to message anyone from their profile page, I cant seem to get the...

How to block unwelcome peoplr

How do you block and or unfriend individuals?

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Have your feelings about being photographed...

I know mine have. When I was in my 20's I was at a secluded beach on Lake Ontario and was laying out nude. I heard a clicking noise and looked back to see an old guy with a 35 mm camera taking pictures of me. I was furious and chased him down. I...

Activity page

Is there a way to clear the activities list.. someone looks or likes your profile, pictures ect....

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by Midlands-uk