Frequently Asked Questions

The most popular questions will reside in here

Nude or Not

If someone is covered with a towel or blanket, but not wearing any clothing, Would you consider them to be nude?

Number of views on my home page

Would anyone be able to advise me regarding the number of views on my home page. I've noticed that sometimes there are less views than the previous day and the next time I look there are more. How can the number of views go down, surely if...

Viewing gallery

Hi there. I'm new to the site and so far seems good. I have one question and that is how do i view the gallery as when i click on the pics it just says not opened in media. Thankd

Any women ever walk nude at night.

I was wonder if any nudist women ever take a nude walk at night around your neighborhood or some other area. I noticed a lot of men walk nude at night , including myself. I found several stories of men walking nude at night. I just interested in...

Certification Link

Hello All, I'm a newbie here, I'm looking for the certification link, to upload the required 2 pictures to be certified. I did see one link but it was old and lead to a page not found error. Any help would be appreciated.

Avatar Pics

When looking to various groups I wonder why quite a good numbers of avatars do show Comic pics, or animals or alike. Also why do mere male profiles show third party female pics? Why do apparent nudists show themselves dressed?

Deleting Message Threads

Tried to get rid of some old threads and inappropriate propositions from my messages. When I clicked on Delete they disappeared, but the next time I went to messages they were back. How do I get rid of the permanently?

Posting Pictures

Tried to post some pictures on my media page yesterday and couldn't find a way to do so. Can any one offer me some guidance?

Hello, hello, is there anybody out there?

What's going on? I haven't seen a post by TT1 in weeks. I understand that the admins have a life, but one of the biggest reasons people come here is that the site is moderated. That doesn't seem to be the case lately, as nobody has seen...

How do you think a young person to practice...

I'm a nudist from China,I wanna to be a nudist from an early age.But I don't find any good way to do so.Could you give me some advice?