Next To Nude Attire 4 Compliance

Men or women?

Just wondering what everyone's opinion is on men wearing lingerie.

Orient beach St Martin

On textile end of beach trying to wear as little as possible .

Watering the garden

I'll usually wear something very skimpy, such as the below, when watering the garden or doing chores outside in my front yard. My back yard is relatively private and I feel that I can be nude and not noticed so I tend to wear nothing at all....


A great thing about see-through shorts and skirts is that I look covered at a distance but all is visible when close. I've had many a positive reaction when people come close and realise they can see everything.


I like to wear a thin cloth tied as a toga. One shoulder is bare and it is completely open down the other side. It feels like I'm naked but I'm sufficiently covered for a textile location - until the slightest breeze lifts it exposing...

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men in skirts

I have a few very short skirts and wraps which I put on when I can't be naked. They include three chiffon scarves - ones that look to cover my bits until you get close. Then you can see everything through the flimsy fabric. They are also very...

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Well i have some ways to stay or feel nude in public. First of all i dont wear underwear. But in towns where nudist beaches are i only put on a small towel arround my waist

New to the group

Hi all, we're new to the group and wanted to introduce ourselves

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by Couple8478