Nudists Who Want Anti-Nudism Laws Changed or Overturned.

AANR's Record Skinny Dip-Our Best Chance

In my many years as a nudist, there has never been a better chance to present nudism in a positive light. Laws will never be changed as long as the public holds so many misconceptions regarding nudism. In this area there was very positive media...


i haven't seen much activity on the group lately..we need to change that..anyone have anything to discuss?


I bet you didn't know Arkansas has anti-nudism laws..or at least blue laws that make nudist ilegal to even discuss...i'm thinking of starting another group dedicated to getting nudism legalzed in arkansas..any ideas for that group?

Milestone and a crazy idea.

Wow...we have reached over 100 members..i got to admit..that's pretty good..let's hope for another 100,shall we? Anyways..this weird idea came to me when i was unable to fall asleep one night..what if we were to make nudism a religion of...

nude protest

if 1000 people agreed to gather in front of your state capital and all get nude in defense of nudist rights would you join in. what would your excuse not to and could they actually arrest 1000 naked people.

Beach Clean Up!

14th ANNUAL CAPE COD BEACH CLEAN-UP at Herring Cove Beach in Provincetown, MA 9:00 am, Saturday, June 12, 2010 VOLUNTEERS NEEDED The Cape Cod Beach Volunteers of Nudist and Naturist are holding its 14th annual Beach Clean-up. The event is open to...

A call for help!

Light House Beach, the nude section of beach on Fire Island in New York is in jeopardy of losing it's nude beach rights and status. Please, if you are a past, present or future user of this beach please join the fight to save Light House Beach....

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New ideas, new approaches-let's hear them

Anti-nudity laws have been challenged as to the right of self expression under the 1st Amendment to the US Constitution. That approach has not held up in the courts. I wonder if this argument has been made. While my entire legal background consists...

In Canada

Originally posted at Posted here again for your information. Ive noticed that most of the postings deal with U.S. situations, and the laws vary from state to state. In Canada, nudity is...

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