Tattooed Nudist
My favorite artist and shop is Cole at Coal Ink, on instagram, in Eugene, Oregon. Whos your favorite?
Today was a first. The artist I work with and I sort of have a pile of ideas that were picking at. The one I decided I wanted to do today he knocked out very quickly, maybe in an hour and 40 minutes or so, and then we decided to do another one. So I...
Do all of your tattoos have meaning/significance or just aesthetically pleasing? In April I had a tattoo scheduled and a few days before I had a dream that the artist said "all done!" And I sat up to find he had tattooed a bull,...
A friend of mine wants to do a dare with me. He would drive me to one of those clothing donation bins where I would strip naked and put the clothes in the bin. From there he would leave me there for a while, maybe drive me around naked or, if the...
Yesterday I learned that rib tattoos do, indeed, suck. Artist tried to talk me out of it but I thought if I could handle sternum I could handle ribs. It wasn't AS bad as sternum, but close. About 2h50m of needle time.
Just joined thought I should say hello
Getting an eagle across the front of my shin just under my knee. Nervous about 1) my first tattoo not easily covered by summer clothes and 2) PAIN.
I have some stretch marks on the inside of my thighs and have an appt 2/1 to do more work on my inner R thigh. Anyone tattoo over stretch marks with a bad outcome?
How many have told themselves " I'm only getting one tattoo." how did that work out lol . For me not very well. I got 1 . Then it's needs a little more . For me I wont be 1 , it will be 1 Moore. LOL.
Hello we are a married couple with naughty tattoos meaning we both have our pubic area tattooed and wife has tattoos around her nipples any others like us out there