Humor and Fun
Post your jokes, funny articles here. Anything goes.
Last night I watched "Big Brother"! No Vampires - No Zombies - No bloody corpses - No morgue tech talking about liver temp or rigor mortis - No re-hash of some tired old plot. Just a bunch of young people doing a lot of lying, plotting and...
Do you know how a employer can tell if his new employee is a brown nosier ?Every time the employer turns around his new employee is riding right up his ass with scuba Gear in his arms ,and they don't work at Sea World. Written By Stephen...
Honest! I'll call you.
I am sure some of you have heard or read some of these before. I assume there is some truth to each although I do not necessarily judge as such! Any comments to the contrary or is this the way you look at it? "Good girls loosen a few buttons...
Make up quotes for the Most Interesting Nudist in the World! I'll start with; Even when he's fully clothed, he looks completely naked. If he stands still for too long, he's mistaken for Michelangelo's David. He has never had a tan...
Quick thoughts = Bumper sticker thinkin'
Did you have a over protective mother when you were a kid ? Every time you wanted to stay at a friend's house for a weekend ,it was like pulling teeth to get your mother to let you go? Be cause she afraid that all you will eat while you at your...
-Ozone created by electric cars now killing millions in the seventh largest country in the world, California. - White minorities still trying to have English recognized as California's third language. - Spotted Owl plague threatens...
A married couple are in their bed room, and the wife pulls her husbands underwear down so she can give him oral sex. when a plastic Rainbow Bight Pony toy pops out of his underwear..Being surprised by this odd event,she ask her husband," Honey...
Condoms aren't completely safe. A friend of mine was wearing one and got hit by a bus.