Humor and Fun
Post your jokes, funny articles here. Anything goes.
" I see your wife's pregnant again this winter " " Yes the plumber did the old boiler "
From Young Naturists Association, a video about what many a nudist may have had to hear from time to time.
I'm not saying my wife is ugly, but I came home drunk the other night and made love to the bulldog.
OK, these have been around, in one form or another, for years, and whether you've seen them or not, enjoy: The Man Rules At last, a guy has taken the time to write this all down. Finally , the guys' side of the story. We always hear "...
Grandpa and his very young grandson were walking in the park when they happened upon 2 dogs breeding. The grandson asks his grandpa what the two dogs are doing Grandpa, quick to think on his feet, tells his grandson the the dog on top has sore front...
The following was posted by me as a comeback to another comeback for one of my jokes. It got buried down by other posts within the same day and never got to see the light of day Hope youll find it was worth posting again Any way , ill stop mumbling....
"Men are like....Animals Messy, insensitive and potentially violent, but occasionally make great pets.
Think of a chat up line for the barmaid, or something you would say to your friends about her. Please try to keep it clean, Thank you. A pint please and I like to have it pulled nice and slow.
You will probably remember the original balloon dance from a few years back. Check out: I think it is hilarious, but that's just me. Enjoy!