Nude Hikers
Any nudist men in Arizona who would like naked hiking buddies, let me know. Sycamore Creek and Tanque Verde are fabulous places, but would like to learn and go to other places in AZ where one can hike and hang nude. Contact me here on TN or Snapchat...
Why did it take so long to discover this? Sure, i have been to resorts and beaches, and drive naked at every opportunity, but hiking naked is so much different. So free and comfortable. In the last two weeks i have hiked at least a mile, usually...
Can anyone help me out? I will be in Palm Springs next week and am looking for any hiking options. Anyone can help out thank you!
Three day hikes planned on the Appalachian Trail near Marion, Virginia. The hikes will be on the 12th, 13th, and 14th of September and will be 9.4, 10.8 and 9.0 miles in length respectively. Join us!
When I walk a significant distance nude (or in swim briefs or very short shorts for that matter) I get chafing on my inner thighs] How do you avoid this when hiking nude?
Most of us carry something to use as a cover up in the event of meeting up with textile hikers. I have a pair of loose fitting, elastic waist shorts that works OK but awkward to put them on over my hiking shoes and takes a little longer than I would...
The place I usually go free hiking is so overgrown I had to go somewhere else. I went to the road at Blue West. It is about one circular mile. I put on my hiking boots and back pack. There were three vehicles that passed me on my hike. They just...
Three hikes planned on the Appalachian Trail near Wytheville, Va. The hikes will take place on the 17th through 19th of August. The length of the hikes will be 8.9, 12.3 and 6.9 miles respectively.
Three AT hikes planned for southern Virginia on the 12th through 14th of July. 10.0, 12.7, and 8.3 miles respectively. Join us. There is a swimming hole on the last hike.
Hiked Flat Rock in Columbus, GA. It's a nice 5 mile hike but the trails back in Cincinnati are much better/challenging. It was a hot day and I enjoyed the nude hike. I had to take the photo quickly because this location is at the entrance.