Nude Hikers

Naked Hiking Day - 2019

I want to share my story of how I enjoyed Naked Hiking Day this year. This year for the summer solstice, I decided that I really wanted to do some nude hiking. I love nature and being nude and the two combine to form a spiritual significance for me....

N. California nude hike, Oct. 5

This Saturday, Oct. 5 I'm doing a nude hike in the Tahoe National Forest. A 10 mile moderate hike. It's supposed to be a sunny day. Temps in the 60's. The tree cover is sparse, and the rock cover is abundant. The trail passes several...

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Autumn Naked Hike in the Indiana Dunes...

I got explore a new trail today. The weather was beautiful! Met up with a naked biker who showed me the path.

Nude hike in the Tahoe National Forest

I'm thinking about doing a nude hike either Oct. 4 or Oct 5. If you are available lets plan on it! Check out my profile and message me so we can make the plans.

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Two AT Hikes Planned Near Hartford,...

Two AT hikes planned for the 13th and 14th of September. 12.2 miles and 9.2 Miles respectively. Join us.

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You Run Into People On The Trail

So, if you are hiking in your favorite spot and you come around a corner right in front of a mixed sex, textile, group of hikers, no kids. There is no chance of covering the vital areas. In your area what do you think the majority would be thinking:...

4 Appalachian Trail Hikes Planned

4 AT hikes planned for August 25, 26, and 27 near Hot Springs NC. 8.9 , 14.0, 6.0 and 5.3 miles in length. Come join us.

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Labor Weekend Camping & Hiking

Im off work four days over Labor Day Weekend, Friday through Monday, and Id like to go camping and hiking. It doesnt have to be a nudist adventure, just an escape from NYC. Where are the experienced hikers, campers & outdoorsmen and women? Bear...

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Three AT Hikes Planned for August

Three AT hikes planned for the 8th, 9th, and 10th of August. The hikes are 13.6 miles, 14.0 miles and 8.2 miles in length respectively. We are meeting in Erwin, Tennessee. Let me know if you'd like to join us.

Alaska Hiking

It's been a really nice summer here in Alaska with warm temps and clear skies. I've taken advantage of hiking opportunities, nude of course whenever possible. A few days ago I went to spot called Bear Creek, just outside of Denali National...

Latest PostNice hike!
by nkhiker