Newbie Nudist Area

Introduction to Nudism and any of the awkward questions you may have

hi new guy here

hey im just hoping to look like minded nudists to chat with. just wondering if any of you out there would offer to give me a chance? hahaahhaha

Any nudists in cambridge ontario?

I have been a house nudist for a few years now and have always liked being naked since I was young. I am a 22 year old male and don't have any friends that like being nude. So I am looking for someone to hangout with nude and basically build...

I'm a shy person

Hi everyone. Looking for someone to talk to but I tend to be a why person. I did join the chat room but I don't know what to say including how there so many people writing at any given time. I still new trying to understand more how this site...


Hi every one I am hotSan i am 19 years old and I have started this topic to introduce my self to every one here.

New member

Hi, my name is Will. Found this site after when I foundThe Federation of Canadian Naturists website. I'm a person really enjoy nature from doing hiking trips and camping. This year was my first time doing an hiking trip in the nude. During that...


Hi every one I am hotSan i am 19 years old and I have started this topic to introduce my self to every one here.

I'm new to nudism

What is the best way to connect with other nudists? I'm new to nudism and can not seem to get involved in the chat room - I'm ignored, lol, because no one knows me. I enjoy chatting and cammin - for me Yahoo seems to work better....

Another Intro

Hello everyone, Let me re-introduce myself. I was (and I suppose, still am) S.M.A. from the ClothesFree forums. I've been an at-home nudist for over a decade, but a social nudist for maybe nine months. I'm a regular at Chicago Fun Club...

North East of England.

Hi thought it would be polite to say hello to all on this site. I am relatively new to the naturist scene though I have practised this on my own whenever possible. I did visit a swimming pool near to where I live in the early 90's with my wife...