brisbane nudist group

Another party for you brisbane nuddies'

There's a party happening on the 7th of August on the northside of Brisbane, theme is "crazy wigs". starts at 6:30pm. all Brisbane guys welcome. Address is 72 taylors road Gaythorne. love to see you there' any further info call...

Male Only Massage Workshop July 21 St

Would you like to learn how to massage in a one day massage workshop in Brisbane? The Workshop is being held this Sunday July 21St Cost is $150 for the full day with concessions available. Please contact me for further details with your email...

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Male Only Massage Workshop, Only 4 places...

Male Only Massage Workshop, Only 4 places left, Brisbane. Men Would you like to learn how to massage in a one day massage workshop in Brisbane? The Workshop is being held this Sunday June 16th Cost is $150 for the full day with concessions...

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Brisbane guys are invited to a "PIZZA PARTY" on june 1st starts 6:30pm, If you're interested in coming over send email to ""...........john

Does'nt anybody go to parties anymore?

I thought these groups were for social nudism and hanging outwith brother nudists, but it seems to have become a pickup venue, a place to cruise and see who's new and goodlooking. Lets get involved and get out and mix with others who enjoy the...

Nudie Movie Night

Hi Brissy nude guys. Having a nude movie evening on 16 March at my place starting at 6:00pm, we hangout in my apartment buildings media room and then my place. If you are keen to come and hang out send me a message for the full details.CheersTerry

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hI THERE' THERE WAS A PARTY DUE ON MARCH 2ND but due to unpleasant wet weather we will be having another on the following Saturday[9th] at 6:30pm, all guys welcome to come along and hangout with other nude guys[33550028]....john

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nude party for brisbane guys

Nude party next Saturday ,2nd march at 6:30pm ,on northside[72 taylors rd Gaythorne] all guys welcome. birthday suit essentual

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Nude Footy Night

Is anyone interested in hosting a nude footy night? Watching the NRL or Super 15s?

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nude party for brisbane guys

hi there' HAPPY NEWYEAR' iT'S a new year time for a new party to celebrate ,time to get naked ,all nudist guys welcome to a party on the 5th of january, starting to see you there' at 72 taylors rd gaythorne....john

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