I always sleep naked

Hi everyone

Ive recently rejoined TN after a few years away. I dont really remember when or why I slept naked the first time but I find it almost impossible to sleep any other way now. But since Im always naked at home it wouldnt really make sense to get...

Sleepwear Availability

Was in two department stores yesterday. Area devoted to sleepwear significantly reduced om one and the other department store had almost eliminated theirs. I would be great if this means that more men are sleeping nude now that the weather is...

Just turned 18 and new to nudism

Hey everyone i turned 18 in october and id like t know experienced nudists, feel free t text me on telegram if you want, my nickname Is @ragnarWOS

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Told to sleep nude

I am also a member of the Nude Sleepers Forum. Many men and a few women have said that at some point one or both parents told them that they were too old to wear anything to bed and had to start sleeping nude. Did that happen to any of you? As a...

Snuggle down time of the year

The seasons have changed and the temps have dropped here in Indiana and we went from sleeping with the windows open to the furnace kicking on a few times a night. I switched from my cotton sheets to my flannel sheets . Of course i sleep in the buff...

Sleep Bare

I've reading on FB the health advantages of sleeping bare. It allows your body to naturally to cool down to facilitate more comfortable sleep. Without the bindings and uncomfortable restrictions of sleepwear, again you sleep better. It easier...

New random roomie

I am currently touring Bulgaria. I got matched up with a 50ft year old Irish guy. He sleeps in his undies and goes into the bathroom to change. I have been sleeping nude and being casual about staying that way getting up to pee ,and in and out of...

I sleep naked

Hello I am Whitney Westgate from Los Angeles and I'm hear to exchange pictures with someone that's ready and serious if you want my nude,text me on Google chat whitneywestgate804@gmail.com

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I've been sleeping naked for years.

As far back as I can remember I've always sleep naked. Wearing clothes is just not comfortable in the bed. Plus it's better to start the day naked.

Sleeping naked.

Hey Kacey here. I love sleeping naked every night. So comfortable!

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