Workout Naked
on how to influence commercial gyms to offer nude night for those that want to work out naked???
I manage to swim over a mile each day nude by going to the pool in the community where I live at 4:30 am. There are several others who also swim at that time. I have been doing this for several years. There are also occasional times where it is...
I was wondering if anyone would be willing to train me on cam. I would like to learn to workout or have some encouragement on cam. Think it would be a fun way to workout nude as well. Anyway just send me an email.thanks.
I teach Men's Active Naked Stretching (MANS) classes each week in Boston Metro West, USA. The class is a reaction to all the Men's Naked Yoga classes that are now being offered aroundtheworld. I'm teaching what I know and get to do it...
For at least the past 35 years I have been sleeping totally naked (I am 74). Those who have never tried it should. I find I sleep very sound, don't have bed clothes cutting off circulation which actually can lead to strokes.