Elegant Nudist Ladies


I used to first take portrait shots of my models. Just as a warmup exercise, I would ask them to pose, fully dressed, for head shots before discarding their clothes. But there was this tension in the room. We all knew that the model would afterwards...


Not that you deserve them, you have been completely inactive in my absence but ok, just out of my good heart...

Today's treat...

... Is an open lineup... You are supposed (but not expected) to identify the 8 ladies. And, as test (last time the open pics disappeared immediately while the other disappeared a bit later) a quite modest pic of mine. Hope you'll enjoy them...

Happy Thanksgiving!

Here in the US we celebrate Thanksgiving today. I am thankful for Elegant Nudist Ladies!

Hello, it's good to see the group back...

As a new member I decided to make a post befitting this wonderful group. I'm excited to share the details of the most unforgettable party I've ever attended. About 12 or 13 years ago, during a period of singledom, my friend Karen and her...

ENL album

To my surprise, some of the pics uploaded last days seem to have stuck. Maybe the usual pod is on leave and we got a different one for a few days? Anyway, the new daily pics are on, hope you will enjoy them. This will teach you a lesson.

Friedrichsbad has lost its mojo

Friedrichsbad is an institution in Baden Baden. It's 150 years old, a really monumental building and quite famous - Mark Twain seems to have claimed that in five minutes you forget the time, in ten you forget the world. Or something. The best...

Black mud

Because you asked for the context of my latest pic: this was in a Eastern country and that is a salted lake next to the sea shore. It is famous for its black (and very stinky) mud, supposedly with lots of health benefits. I thought it was a nudist...

New pics

Ok, they are on and diverse, as you ordered Sirs. But I am thinking of dedicating some days to ladies, members of the former group, who have left TN. Sandy, one of the sexiest girl on TN, who left because of censorship (and also a bit because...

The other white bits

I worked a bit on H's pics. Let's call her Helen, one of the reasons for this choice being that this is her name. In fact, the French version of it, but TN doesn't accept accented vowels. Helen was very tanned back in late September when...