Atheist Community of Nudists

Your weekly logical fallacy: special pleading

This one is a personal favorite of my wife. When we would watch Atheist shows together she would always call out people who had special pleading arguments. Even though there were a few other arguments mixed in there. Also, sometimes what she called...

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Your weekly logical fallacy: personal...

I personally don't see how anyone could not respond to these lessons I give week after week. Not saying hey good job, or hey you suck and here's why. Nope, it's impossible for these to keep going out and no one says anything! Then again...

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Your weekly logical fallacy: tu quoque

Et tu, Brute? No, YOU! Speaking of you, where were you Jason? Sorry I didn't have a logical fallacy. I didn't quite run out though this one is similar to others I have already covered. I had the week off from volunteering. Then I got...

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Your weekly logical fallacy: genetic

It's genetic do do do do dododo... no wait that was "electric". Whoopsie! Sorry being nerdy and using musical references are just in my genes and from where I come from. No wait that can't be right. Let's get into this weeks...

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Your weekly logical fallacy: no true scotsman

Oh this can be a fun one! At the same time it is easy to use in an argument. I recently saw a video where a Muslim caller asked an Atheist if they heard Allah's voice would they be convinced of a god. To which the host pointed out an issue and...

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Your weekly logical fallacy:...

[Oh it is good to be back. Especially since I basically didn't see the eclipse... I mean I saw a bit of it, but there was a lot of cloud cover so I could only catch glimpses of it. That's ok I got 20 years to play for the 2024 total eclipse!...

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Go without a god

This week there will not be a fallacy post. I am going out of town in order to see a once in a lifetime celestial event! Except is is expected to rain basically the entire time I am down in Texas... Well if I am able to witness it I will be sure to...

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Your weekly logical fallacy: ad hominem

You are just a poopy head and don't know what you are talking about if you don't know what an ad hominem argument. I mean is it even an argument or are you too stupid? Jerk face and such! Sorry I got caught up in one of my favorite last...

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Your weekly logical fallacy: slippery slope

WEEEEEEEEeeeeee....... No wait I want to go again! I'm going to start with a simple problem and make it so much worse going downhill in this logical fallacy of a slippery slope! You said that if we allow A to happen, then Z will eventually...

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Your weekly logical fallacy: the fallacy...

For this week you have activated my trap card! Yes it is the fallacy of all fallacies! You presumed that because a claim has been poorly argued, or a fallacy has been made, that the claim itself must be wrong. It is entirely possible to make a...

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