General Discussion
I was all prepared to travel 700km (440miles) and spend $300 in Petrol to head to the beach tommorow, however wife reminded me of some expenses that need to be paid tommorow, so have had to cancel. :(
Expedia throws nudism into its commercials... offering rewards on travel...No matter how you travel! Except NAKED!! and the voice off camera says....What a Shame!!!
I've noticed that groups in this site lack of activity and interactions. There are lots of groups with a decent amount of members, and when someone posts an entry, you see in some cases the entry gets views, yet again no one reply to them. It...
I am thinking of creating a group for nudist dancers. But I don't just mean plain old dancing. I mean people who have actually taken dance classes. I want to start the group, but I want to see if there is any interest first.
Since the economic crash in 2008, have any members here witnessed a noticeable drop in membership at their respective camp or resort? When times are tough, discretionary spending is the first to go, and camp fees would certainly fall in that...
Just putting the feelers out and wondering how members of TN think about haveing a get together and photos to post to the site, see a lot of other places around the do this as a show of support for the site and members in general to get to know each...
It should be an easier way to look for the groups we are interested in joining. Before the new setting,there was an alphabetical order which helps a little bit. But now is different, whave to scroll down the whole groups list to look for the one we...
Has anybody been to Lower Poulza Post naturist campsite in Cornwall. Whats it like?