General Discussion

hi,seeking meetup

with all this hot weather why waste the week,is there any singles or couples heading out and about this week,would love to join at beach,or a house party

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Folks Irish naturist need you support. We are a wee bit behind the rest of europe in our atitude towards Nudism and to that end we have Club Aquarius. The Club tries to promote naturisim at every turn. We are looking for your Support and vote for...

nudist b&B

Is there a nudist b&B i can stay in, north england or scotland, few on the net but dont know for sure what there like

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Do you think many of the post are too long

Is it just me, is it perhaps my age, or do you find that many posts are unnecessarily long. Sometimes we have people replying to a simple question where yes or no would suffice, but use a thousand words and after reading halfway through, you then...

Why women dislike coming here....

I spend a more of my time in the forums, but sometimes enter chat and this is what we encounter, after closing out many, many PM's and then the messages begin in the room, as whisper messages, disrupting the flow of the conversation. Now many...

Skin Cancer

Just wondering if anyone has had any problems of skin cancers appearing? I have a spot on the side of my upper cheek that I have an appointment to have checked out and was wondering what I'm in for. I'm also going to have a full body check...

Stupidity of the British fashions V Weather.

Why is it that when we get a bad winter in the UK, many people still show a high degree of stupidityin what they wear. I so often have to laugh when seeing young ladies with short skirts and flimsy little jackets, shivering half to death in sub zero...

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Public opinion about nudity

Too many people view nudism as a sexual thing to do with your spouse. What they dont realize is the lifestyle they are leaving behind just by judging a book cover.Being a textile myself but wanting to change into at least closet. Ive noticed that...

wollongong aea nudist

with the hot weather coming,would like to catch up with nudists in wollongong area,i have been nudst for last 15 years,nd only new to wollongong area,and would like to meet singles,both male and female and also couple for outings to beach and...

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Maspalomas early December

hiya all, I will be visiting masplaomas dunes early December and wondered if anyone else was going, let me know and maybe we could meet up, any gender/age

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