General Discussion
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I've found myself in a cooking rut. Doesn't matter what I make it is beginning to all taste the same to me. Do you find yourself having a few favorite spices/herbs to use - all ways at hand and they end up in EVERY single dish you make? Or...
So what will your holloween costume consist of ?
Hi all, What do you all reckon to the Go Topless and Slutwalk parades that have recently been appearing in America and in some other countries? I have been reading the comments on the Go Topless march in Asheville on YouTube as well as some of the...
Hello all, You can see the main clip for The Bare Heart at:
My Lovely wife allows me to be a nudist, I visit Blacks often, but how the people judge 'single' nude males! We are not all creepy and have sex on the mind, hard to find nude friends anyway, but when I read 'single men will be...
Hi everyone! I was just wondering, since the Rugby World Cup is going on, any one else following it? Who do you think is gonna win? Any favorites?
This editorial will consist of 100+ naked Portlanders and 1 stand out model wearing Peniche fashion. We need all body types, all demographics, everyone is invited! This will be fun, exciting, but also professional and tasteful. SO INVITE YOUR...
I can't get into chat this morning, I am getting an error regarding unregistered users? Is it down?
How do the naturist to the fact that your partner is not naturist. You want to walk naked nice and your partner do not like that. Does anyone have an opinion?