General Discussion

WNBR book project media request (final call)

Hi folks, The latest NAKTIV project is a book about the WNBR - World Naked Bike Ride (project page: Some on the list might know me already as an author, naked activist and enthusiast - more info on me and this project...

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Flooding in PA

The flooding was caused by the PA Fish and Boat commission, Penn State cooperative and DCNR. They will allow no one to clean the creeks and remove the debris such as trees or large gravel bars. The trees plugged the bridges and turned them into dams...

Nudist Movies Of The Sixties

I have recently watched three nudist movies from the 60's. While they could be classified as exploitation simply because of nudity at that time they do show nudism in a positive though rather simplistic manner. The nudists depicted are all...

A non landed nudist club in the TX Hill...

Does anyone one know of members that might be interest in a non landed nudist club in the hill country between Austin and San Antonio. Both cities have clubs but a long drive for meetings etc.


We are ginog to vication in Turkey this month so anybody know any nude beach near to Istanbul? egycouple

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New Site

I see a message about wanting to test a new site is this real? so much spam now a days just want to be sure and will help try it out if it's real and I can.

Nude cruise this fall

Hi everyone! I'm sorry if this may be the wrong place to post this, but I'm a naturist who booked a cabin on the upcoming Bare Necessities 'FantaSea Fest 2' cruise from Fort Lauderdale to the Carribbean and back (it's an inside...

nudist on streets of san francisco

did anyone see the news where nudefolks are walking down the streets sitting on benches in san francisco and the only problem the city officialshas is that they think the nude folks need to carry a towel or something to put down before they sit...

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by Budgreen 
South florida nude boating

Hello all. We will be boating in So. Florida in a month or two. IE Lee county... Pine Island ...Sanibel etc. We like to shed our clothes on the water and wonder if there some places around this area that are better than others for this? Specific...

going natural commercial

has anyone seen the commercial when the man standing in his driveway by his neighbor who question why there is a goat on his roof and his house looks like nature is taking it over, the next thing you see or suspect after all it's America - the...

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