General Discussion

Nudist Invasion of Disneyland

Yeah, I know that we will have to be clothed but... the wife and I have bought the year passes and reserved our hotel rooms at Disneyland for August 22, my birthday. Anyone besides me want to make an event of this? John

Restrict Group Creation/Ownership

Just curious... would it help cut down on the crazy groups if group creation/ownership was restricted to only those members who are certified? not talking about the individual members of groups, but the creators and owners... shouldn't they be...

Nude beach info. Also has a comment section, a good place to show your support for nude beaches.

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Single Male = Pervert?

This has been bothering for a while and maybe someone can give me an answer. When did being a single male automatically make you a pervert? Yes, I'm single and a nudist, but according to most people I try to chat to on here, that makes me a...

Pointless statistics

It is interesting to see how the ratios of Male vs Female vs Couples on TN stays constituent in different countries: ----- Overall on True Nudists .com: Male: 88%. Female:7%. Couples:5% ---- USA members (52% of TN members): Male:88%. Female:7%....


Is there a way you can delete the bulletins on the left side of the page?

Latest Postok thanks
by schwahnie 
Ill. Beach State Park

Has anybody ever been to the Illinois Beach State Park? (so called nude area) if so, could you tell me if its cool place to go.

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Security systems and nude guests.

I am unpacking a new Defender security DVR and cam system. I have a concern about its use during times of enteraining nude guests, rather its non use. Anyone have any ideas short of tearing the system down to have guests feeling comfortable?

help-anyone seen this sunbathing cool gadget...

We usally sunbath on beaches with sunbeds, or take our own beds. However, when flying, for the beaches that don't have beds I'd like to buy one of these cool things I have seen on the beach at Maspolomas. It's made of tent like material...

Power Outage.

I got a phone call this morning around 1am,I got out of bed still half asleep and the power was off,couldn't find my bedroom door,I get in the closet first,then I found the right door,open it then ran into the edge of itand hurt my nose,stubbed...