General Discussion
I'm happy to have a opportunity to meet people here. The site has the potential to bring a-lot of new nudists into existence. Also you might find a new local friend to enjoy good times. I just wish we would limit the drama!!! I enjoy reading the... Sounds like the real life version of Tex Tyler.
I had a long time friend come for a few days. When we got to the pool I told him my wife and I never wear suits but we would if he was uncomfortable. He said not a problem and I think he had his suit off before I even got to the pool area. Turns out...
Here's an interesting constitutional issue to ponder. In the Declaration of Independence, it states tha all men have certain unalienable, God given rights. These include, among others, the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. The...
What are the subtle... or not so subtle ways you use to find out who of your friends (or people you happen to meet)is a nudist??
A lot is published about all of the amenities that one would find at certain resorts. They extol the grounds, the scenery, the management, the friendliness of the guests and on and on, but we rarely see the other side of the issue. If we're...
Hi. We posted a bunch of new pics on our profile. Hope you like em.
I really shouldn't be here now, but anyway. :) Last Page. Thought it would be interesting to get some reports (and make a record) of what the weather is doing around the globe. So don't be shy, tell us all what it's like for you today....
There has been much discussion about nudists and their reluctant spouses or significant others. At a recent nudist gathering we discovered some couples who had a reluctant spouse or SO who is now totally committed to nudism. It was almot evenly...
The World Naked Bike Ride has done more to promote public nudity than everything else combined in the last 100 years. If the WNBR is protected as Free Speech under the First Amendment in order to protest Big Oil and pollution, then public nudity at...