General Discussion
Two groups deleted: Pro Snugglebunny Group I Don't Care About Snugglebunny Group Group that still remains: Anti Snugglebunny Group Just one of those things that make you go hmmmm....
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A MESSAGE FOR ALL WANNABE SPAMMERS. Hi! .... thought I'd save us all some time, and just let you know, that you are wasting -your- time, if you ignore this advise and go ahead and spam our forums. The regular members here, monitor this site...
Hello, Just a quick question- I periodically check our photos on Tineye (mostly just out of curiousity). I'm just wondering if there are any other sites out there that do the same? Thanks Dudenopants
COMPANY NAMEGLOBACOM LIMITED CONTACT NAME.MR JOHN REG-NO..04352342 CONTACT MAIL. DRUMSET:: Mapex Pro M 7-Piece Fusion Pop..$280usd Ludwig Classic Maple 4-Piece Drum.$700usd Mapex Saturn 6-Piece Studio...
In veiwing some of the profiles on this site I was struck by how many say they want only couples, no single men, to contact them. I'm a single male and joined this site in the hopes of meeting someone to share the lifestyle with. Aside from one...
Can't imagine why this isn't more common. It sure would help to further the cause!
Does this "true nudist" appear a little dodgy to anyone else?
I'm curious if others not only look at a group's title, description and rules before deciding whether or not to join but also the moderator who created the group? Does it make a difference to you whether the moderator is certified? Does it...
I am fed up with the crap that goes on in this sight. I have to wade threw so many pervs to find decent people here it's ridiculous. We must clean it up or it will never be a sight for nudist, only for pervs. To that end lets get rid of all the...