General Discussion
Saw a magazine today (I think it was Shape) with one of Kardashians in a bikini. I wondered what would have happened, had the photo been nude instead. Would that have made it more sexual for an average male viewer? Probably. But what if all women...
My partner and I make 11 years together this summer and we just adopted a beautiful baby boy. It took years but he is absolutely perfect. I am a nudist and my partner is not. What are people's general thoughts about exposing kids to nudism? Do...
Good Day all, just checking to see how many think goatees or hitler stache are becomming for men below the belt. My wife thinks they are nice but you sure do not see them here on many guys. What do you think?
I am not sure this is the correct place to ask or offer this suggestion, but here goes... On the home page is a 'Recent Forum Activity Listing' that lists about 10 (I'm not hopping back to count) recent forums that have had someone...
Given that there are several people in the chat room naked I dont think members should be allowed to enter without a profile name, description and photo. Many of these no profile individuals come into the chat room and make rude comments or...
Hello everyone! I'm getting ready to go to my first clothing op. resort,(Avalon in WV) it will be my first time and I just wanted to know what I should take with me for a 2 day stay,I know to take tooth past and that kind of stuff and a towel to...
My sweetheart and I will be working in the yard - at least in the forenoon - and trying our best to get a bit of a tan Lots of raking and weeding to be done, and a whole new garden to finish off planting and screening. Who else has plans to plant...
Seems that TN Forum has had lately more spamming than before. This time I don't mean the erection threads and other repeated nuisance but pure, commercial, non-nudist spam. Would it be possible to introduce measures against it, like for instance...