General Discussion
Since it's election day tomorrow in Canada, I think a vote here would be appropriate: 1. Snugglebunny 2. RabbitnBunny 3. the Easter Bunny 4. Bugs Bunny
On Easter Friday this year, a group of naked hikers were accompanied by a couple of ARTE TV journalists, as we strolled along the riverbanks. A lovely day was had by all, with blue skies and summer heat at Easter. The report is scheduled to be aired...
DO YOU LIKE YOUR MAN SHAVED? There has been a lot of discussion about it but little feedback from women.
is there a nude beach and camp grounds in the ocean city, md. area ?
There's a new naked hiking book out. Written by Nicole Wunram, it's aimed at the apprentice, or aspirant, naked hiker. Although it's in German, (and called "Nacktwandern"), I think it's good to see more books on the theme...
Anyone who would like to make an announcement of nudist parties, meet & greets, or get-togethers can use this thread. I decided to post this new topic here because I was looking for an announcement topic and didn't see one listed. Although...
A few photos from Alex, (who organised the event), of the Easter weekend Isarau naked walk we took part in on Friday. Beautiful weather, lovely people, a great day had by all! Even the dog ;-)
Now I know what to do with my keys while swimming. A lanyard is no good (the water ruins the fob) and other hiding places made me walk funny. What other new camping stuff do...
p style="margin: 0.1pt 0in;"True or false: Moderators or monitors, in any form, challenge the conventions of a society that prides itself in taking an alternate route to personal comfort. p style="margin: 0.1pt 0in;" p...