General Discussion

Happy St.Patricks Day

Wishing a happy St.Patricks day to all our Irish friends here. May your Guinness flow freely!!

Castle Howard

"Hi All, I'm thinking about going to the Naturist Garden Party at Castle Howard in York on 11th June but can't seem to find any detail on line regarding it, just looking for price, times, do you need to pre-book? Anyone else going etc.....

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Arby's Ad Campaign

Anybody notice the reference in the song, "We all look the same way nude" implying nudity is an equalizer? Thought it was pretty funny to have a nudist statement in a huge mainstream commercial.

Naturism spiritually 'explained'

Why do naturists enjoy being naked? Besides the fact that it feels nice physically to feel sun and wind on your body where it is usually covered with cloths And besides the fact that we were born this way and we all look the same anyway, there...

Vote for World Nude Day!

There doesn't seem to be a clearly defined date for World Nude Day. Many google searches put it at Feb 6th. I don't know who decided that. It's fantastic for those of us at the bottom of the world (pardon the pun) but not so friendly a...

H&E Naturist

Just to let you all know I've had a couple of photos published in this months H&E Naturist magazine - woo hoo. You'll also be please to know that the photos are of beautiful models and not of me :)


I've had several emails recently that begin, "Hello, my name is xxxxxx, I saw your profile today at and became interested in you ..." Is anyone else having this problem?


Okay, I have a question. I just moved to a place that isn't surrounded by 2 story houses, and I have a pool, so I'm wondering if I should talk to the neighbors about not looking over/through the fence unless they want to get an eyefull....

2011 UK Census: Q. Religion? A. Naturist

This is for all UK naturists/nudists to consider. On Sunday 27 March we are all require to complete the National Census. It only happens every 10 years. One of the questions asks "What is your religion?" Can I ask you to seriously consider...

Tsunami off Japan's coast

Horrific pictures on the news today of the tsunami following an 8.9 earthquake off the coast. I hope all our Japanese friends are safe & well.