General Discussion
I was wondering if anyone has a brief story of discovering a friend, relative, co-worker or former classmate is a nudist or naturist while surfing the Internet? Perhaps there are not enough of us to have this happen, but as time goes by and with...
Was just wondering what people wanted to hear when they post pics. Do you like the generic "Looks very natural" or "Nice picture" or do you like direct complements like "You look beautiful" or "You've got a...
Good Morning Everybody, my partner, Annie, and I are planning our next holiday and rather than just "hitting " the local nude beaches we would like to consider a nude resort. We have read a lot about Cape D'A. but are thinking more...
I looked through millions of threads to see if this had been posted but couldnt find it. If anyone knows of it already existing just shoot me a message and Ill edit. Everyone out there has an actor or actress, be it movies or television, that you...
jenifer55 said... Hello Dear. My name is Miss favour i saw your profile today at ( and became intrested in you,i will also like to know you the more,and i want you to send an email to my email address so i can give you my picture...
Hey guys.. I like the site. Quick question tho.. I sometimes check the sent messages to see if certain people recieved my message if i hadn't heard back for them in a day or two. Sometimes the messages are missing.. and other times they...
Me and my wife are joining in the world naked bike ride in montpelier,VT ( sat. June 11 2011) this year and were curious as to how many others on TN were planning on attending around the world. Were interested in the number of supporters for a great...
Each day this site becomes more of a cesspool filled with inappropriate groups, profiles trolling for sex partners, photos in bad taste or in violation of the TOS and a Forum of rude flamers. As a result, each day the site drifts further from the...
Excellent Naked Rugby Match Video as the Nude Blacks take on the Welsh Leeks: Article: Video:...
Had a call from a friend who had learned from another about plans by BN to 'police' the nudist beach at Studland Bay, asking users for identification! Never heard of anything so ridiculous and - has anyone else heard andthing about this? We...