General Discussion

comfy packs?

I'm interested in doing some day hiking in the buff and one consideration is that most packs don't take bare skin into consideration. I'm curious what people find most comfortable? I'm thinking in the vein of small daypacks myself,...

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Valentines Day

Kay, here is a discussion we were part of last night......many people are of the opinion that Valentines day is yet another phoney Hallmark occasion which has gotten out of control! Used to be a guy would go out and purchase a nice card, maybe a...

Another Newspaper Article This guy seems to be writing a lot of articles against nudity. Let's all help show him -- through his own survey -- that he is the person out of line.

nudist and naturist the latter implies a...

the term nudist seems to mean one who is often nude but it gives no indication oF the motivation of being often nude: the term naturist seem to mean someone with something to do with nature. If one found out a naturist often went nude; they would...

Pet peeves

Hi all, We are new to this site/nudism and are curious about the life style.I know we all have our share of pet peeves from people leaving their shopping carts all over the place in parking lots to not using ther turn signals while driving. That...

Groups: Quantity vs. Profiles shown

Why is it that when you see a group, it shows a number of members but when you go into the group itself the actual number of profiles may be far less.? Not the end of the world, but just curious

if your a naturist why do you shave or cut...

Hi Im new here; i believe in being el natural that is i believe in being natural in appearance; as a result i have a huge red beard. Nudity to me is part of being natural just like not shaving or cutting hair is. im more of anaturist than a nudist....

how much time do you save being a home...

HOW MUCH time a day do you save being a home nudist; save time by less searching for clothes to wear; much less time washing clothes or hanging them on clothesline less ironning

Just Thank you

Being snowbound, I have spent a little more time on the site, Spent a little more time in the forum, and want to say Thank you to all the regulars who provide insight on a lot of the threads with their distinct voices. I feel I have learned a lot,...

Hot Tub Help

On my hot tub only one side of the jets are working after I cleaned it. I check to see if there was air at the pump and there was'nt so if anyone has any ideas about what to do it would be greatly appriciated. it is a Vita Spa L100. I hope it is...