General Discussion
The continuing chatroom problem, with the message "Over max sessions, connection failed, please try later!" is getting to be really annoying.
During my hours in the sun throughout the many past years I really wasn't worried about skin cancer. I was careful not to burn, yet didn't use strong sunscreen. Besides, I did not like the smell or the greasy feeling of sunscreen on the...
If your religious and believe your going to a better place it shouldn't be an issue, myself being an atheist and fellow atheists therefore should not be subject to it as we believe there is nothing thereafter so need to cling to life as long as...
I noticed some guy using a pic from a porn site for his profile, he had a real pic in hisprofile ( 1 clothed photo only) and Idon't think he was trying to mislead. He's even certified. But really............. isn't that sorta wrong?
we have all had had them dreams were your at school or work and all of a sudden you realize that SHOCK HORROR you forgot to put pants on or are naked. Do you think these dreams are caused by our cultural rules causing us anxiety or is it something...
OK we all like to see famous people without their clothes and if it's in a naturist rather than sexual way even better but I was also interested to note how someone can change their attitude. In 1986 a 24 year old Amanda Donohoe appeared in a...
I was recently messaged by a new member, Evilin Jobe with this message. "My name is Evilin Jobe, I saw your profile today at .and became interested in you, also like to know more about you, and I want you to send an e-mail...
I have heard a while ago that some scandinavian country were like this but i very must doubt that there are any now because of mass tv broadcast of american culture across the world
Who are you cheering for? Are you going to watch the game, or just the commercials? I will be watching the game. I will be rooting against Pittsburgh.
Have you ever been nude for so long that you forgot you were naked and went out to collect the mail from the letterbox or started walking to the shop when you all of a sudden you realized