General Discussion
Where's the best area to stay for under 200 quid per night? My friend and I plan to spend a week in London and the surrounding area this coming July. Does anyone know of a safe, secure area we could find a hotel in for the first week of JUly? We...
Hello All, Just curious if anyone has been down to Blacks since all the rain? I'm planning a trip out to CA in a few weeks and hope to make the trek down the hill to enjoy the cool breeze...hopefully not too cool.
I maintain that any past, present or future typos are my personal propery. Whew... I feel free now :)
Is it at all possible to search the forums? I'm a bit frustrated with the overall design of this site. It seems to be the "best" nudists' website but the design is downright awful. There are basic features that one would expect to...
I saw a tabloid mag in the checkout line the other day that said that one of the big celebrities (and I can't remember which one) was a long time naturalist. That got me thinking I wonder if it was true for one thingand if there are some that...
I was once told by a couple of women, who had a pronounced clitoris, that they would not trim or shave their pubic hair so as to hide this, so no gawkers would focus their attention on that particular part of their anatomy. Is there a part of your...
John you have made an honest woman out of her at that honest or..... HOneST.. Wishing you many years of happiness and may life treat you with health abundance together with love fun & Laughter.. HUGS & Love B & R
Lively and interesting mix of clothed and naked people together exploring the situation in an artistic context:
Checked my page this morning, and some creep has made disgusting comments about a photo with my wife to be in it. Flag on the play, but has anyone else had rude or inappropriate comments like...
Has anyone else had an email like this? hello dear new friend how are you today i hope that every things is ok with you as is my pleassure to contact you after viewing your profile which really interest me in having communication...