The Mens Room

Discussions on Male Related issues with Nudism

Sexual Preference

Based on my informal observation on this and other nudity related sited, the proportion of gay and bi males seems to be higher than in the population as a whole. Do you think this is because they are more likely to be nudists than straight men, more...

Moobs - do you embrace yours or detest them?

This is going to be a very open post... I had been an elite level swimmer when younger and my pectoral muscles had always been worked hard. So now well into my 50's and despite trying to keep somewhat fit and having had a life of slim physique,...

After work

I had a routine for getting out of my work clothes as quickly as possible without being nude in the car when I was working on traditional business dress days in warm weather. Carry jacket to the car. Remove tie on entering car. Unbutton shirt while...

Wife encouraged husband

I have seen a lot of posts here and elsewhere about men encouraging wives to be more comfortable with nudity and some of same sex male couples with one taking the lead. I haven't seen many examples of the woman being the lead and the male...

Nude Mens Swim Meet - 8th October -...

Nude swim event for men 8th October 2022 from 1330-1800HR AEST. Anyone identifying as male and wishing to attend please direct message or rsvp via the NQ solo male group.

Naked Barbers/Hair Stylist in the Phoenix AZ...

Any barbers/hair stylists in the Phoenix area. Prefer someone working out of their home or small shop where we both can be nude during services.

Interesting situation that wouldn't...

Someone who was 90 years old recounted what happened at his arrival at Officers Candidate School. After arrival, all the new candidates (all male) were taken into a room. The officer in charge told them to take all of their clothing off and they...

Male Only Gyms

I have heard and read that up until the 1980's many male only athletic clubs allowed members to be nude throughout the I personally witnessed two such facilities. Would anyone else offer to share their experiences?

Latest PostSo do I.
by minimalist75 
Jock straps

I have recently discovered how comfortable jock straps are for wearing around the house. The straps along the hips feel good and appreciate the gentle support they give. Also feels like you are going commando under my pants. Wondering if others feel...

One Type of Clothing

When you are wearing just one type of clothing, what is it most often? Shorts, sandals, shirt, socks. For me it is shorts and it isn't even close.