Naked at home - 2014 / 2025 -


How many actual nudist friends do you know in real life? Other then the obvious, clubs, beach, here (tn) where do you think the best place is to make nudist friends??

Forget and go outside nude

How many have the fear that one day they will forget that they are nude and go outside to get mail or paper or something similar? How many have actually done this?


Anyone here from jacksonville Florida? I'm nude now, haha. :)

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how did you do in winter ...

... to stay naked at home do you prefer to increase heating or get dressed

Transgendered people and acceptance.

I know its been a super long time since I've posted anything on here, but I do have a question for all of u. I have a friend who I told about the nude beach I visit. She seemed interested, so I said she was more than welcome to join in if she...


Hmu Joe_Trent

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Hmu Joe_Trent

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Steve,new to site.

New to siteand i've posted lots of new pics.Hope you like them.

Birmingham, UK

Hello everyone, I'm new to the group, feeling a little fed up being home alone naked. I'd like to meet like minded people in and around the Birmingham area.

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What do you prefer....nudist club, a beach...

I belong to the local nudist club. I love it. Year round access to swimming pools, got tubs, sauna, club house, special events, and a great bunch of people. But I've run across a lot of people who sneak into a special place on the beach or way...