SouthWest Florida Fishermen

Snook Fishing Yesterday

First and foremost, Bait is everywhere. We had great bait, Pin Fish and Pilchards. Unfortunately, we couldn't find the snook in any of the places we fished. We were fishing the worse part of the tide as it was outgoing and these spots are best...

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FL Fishing

Hope to be on the water fishing in FL by this time next week. The big Redfish and Big Snook are biting.

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Greetings to All

Well looks like our numbers are very slowly growing here. Welcome to all the new people and hope to chat with you sometime soon. Looks like I will be getting back to SW FL Mid Oct and hope to be back on the water there with fishing reports ASAP....

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Back to FL in the month of OCT

Looking forward to getting back to SW FL and getting back to some quality boating and fishing in the buff. Red Grouper closes on Ithink the 16 of Sept, Gray Triggerfish closed, red snapper closed, State or Feds are taking towers down, many removed...

I Agree

You are singing to the Choir!

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Just back from a great week in Canada

Weather was great. Fishing was very good. Five muskies boated, nothing big, two largest were 40 and 41 inches. Lots of 8 to 12 pound northern pike. Nice small mouth. Walleyes were small but I have never been a good walleye fisherman. All and all it...

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Getting ready for Canada

Yep it's that time of year when I get ready to head north to our neighbor for some of the best muskie fishing in North America. Will keep you posted. Takes me two weeks just to decide which of the hundreds of muskie baits get to make the trip...

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Summer In WI

Anyone have a fishing report from anywhere?

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Fl season coming to an end for me...........

One more charter before heading back north for a couple months. Was out with a couple from TN yesterday and didn't get the Tarpon we wanted but did land one nice Black Tip Shark about 125/135 # after a nice battle. Also landed one 25# baby...

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Get out and Get Fishing

SW FL.....Get out and get fishing.....this weeks catch 190# Tarpon, large snook 28 to 34 inches, large Jacks 8 to 11 pounds, lots of Sharks. If you are not catching fish , you are not out fishing.

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